Education News

Teachers to spend 10 mins to undertake this baseline survey from GES workforce initiative 

Teachers to spend 5 mins to undertake this baseline survey from GES workforce initiative 

Ghana Education Service Workforce Initiative – Change Management Baseline Survey

Dear staff,
The Ghana Education Service (GES) seeks to transform its workforce to better align with its strategic objective of improving learning outcomes. In the light of this, the Service is undertaking an HR Transformation programme to ensure the workforce focus on and is developed to meet the goals of the Service. The HR transformation programme, named the Ghana Education Service Workforce Initiative (GESWI) has the following components:
• Change management, service orientation and communication
• Strategic workforce planning, staff capability assessment, and training
• Implementation of new organogram: transition planning & roll-out of the new organisational structure
• Programme monitoring, documentation of lessons, and experience sharing.
GES staff are the most critical stakeholders to work with leadership towards achieving the objectives of this HR Transformation programme. GES Leadership is therefore inviting all staff to participate in this Staff Survey to share your perspective on how to make the programme a success. The results are critical input to guide the implementation process.

We assure you that this is a confidential survey and the results will be reported at the consolidated level, without showing individual responses.  Thus, all responses are anonymous and cannot be traced to you individually. We therefore encourage you to provide honest responses and to the best of your understanding.

The completion of this survey should take no longer than 10-15 minutes. Deadline for submission of your responses is 5 pm, 27-12-2022.
Thank you.




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