Local News

Wahala as Bird allegedly turns into human during prayer session at Central Region

According to information gathered by our portal, July 17, 2023, an alleged witch bird fell from an uncompleted building and turned into a female human being during a prayer session by one prophetess Mary Esther, Head Pastor for Deeper church international Gomoa Mampong branch.

“We were there when we were called to come to Gomoa Mampong and on arrival, we saw a lot of people surrounding a house owned by someone called Paa Kwesi. According to the people, Paa Kwesi has been sick for about 2 months now and had been sent to Trauma at Winneba because he had repeated headaches that only came at night.

“That being the case, the family sought spiritual guidance from a prophetess, who encouraged them to wake up at midnight to pray,” he said.

The reporter further stated that as instructed, the family stayed up at midnight to pray and during that moment, some strange things started happening.

He added that while praying, they heard two birds land on their building and with time, one of them flew away, leaving the other.

But soon, they would hear another loud sound from outside, only to step out to see that the other bird had allegedly turned into a human being.

Upon quizzing her, she said she was from New Winneba, and that Paa Kwesi had been sold to her at a fee of GH¢50, for her to kill him.

Nana Antwi, who is a sub-chief of the area, is reported to have eventually urged the community members not to touch the young lady, while he called on the police to come attend to the situation.

The reporter also added that after the girl, who allegedly admitted she was a witch, had mentioned where she came from, she was no longer able to utter any words.

The case of the alleged 30-year-old-bird-turned-woman has since been referred to the Ghana Police Service at Gomoa Okyereko.

See the video below:

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